Pennrose rendering of how the intersection of River and Congress Streets could look (actual design to be determined after input from residents and community).

Construction Update: River and Congress Streets (February 1st 2024).

Construction Update: Close-up of windows opening outward (February 1st 2024).

Tenant and community input remains very important to us as we continue to move forward with plans to revitalize the Taylor Apartments while simultaneously enhancing this gateway into the city and improving access to the waterfront.

This page is intended as our way to keep Taylor tenants and the broader community engaged in this process. We will be posting presentations and planning documents on this page for your review and comment.

Your input into this process can be provided in a variety of ways:

By email to:

By phone: Site office 518-300-4955 or THA 518-273-3600 Ext. 401 and leave a message

Written comments: may be left in any site office or rent collection mailbox

Want to be contacted when leasing opportunities at Taylor begin: Go to PENNROSE WEBSITE and complete the contact form.

(Click the above logo to visit their website)

March 18, 2024 Pennrose Construction Update

Online presentation by Noah Freiberg & David Martin of Pennrose.

Updates on the current construction of the Taylor I project as well as an update on the Taylor II construction project that will soon begin.

(Press play below to watch the video)

Construction Update
Check out the latest pictures and progress for Taylor Apartments on Troy Housing Authority’s Facebook Page!!!

Construction Update
Check out the latest pictures and progress for Taylor Apartments on Troy Housing Authority’s Facebook Page!!!

Pennrose rendering of how the intersection of River and Congress Streets could look (actual design to be determined after input from residents and community).


On October 28, 2019 the Troy Housing Authority (THA), in collaboration with the Troy Local Development Corporation (TLDC), announced the selection of Pennrose, LLC (Pennrose) as its development partner to revitalize the John P. Taylor Apartments. The tri-party partnership is working together with the tenants of Taylor Apartments and the broader community to create a waterfront development plan that transforms this integral gateway into the City of Troy into a dynamic mixed-use community with modern apartments catering to a broad range of incomes.

Meetings were held with the tenants of Taylor Apartments on November 7, 2019 and January 23, 2020. This was followed by a larger meeting for Taylor tenants and the broader community on February 27, 2020. Since then we have not been able to hold tenant and community engagement meetings due to social distancing requirements and gathering restrictions brought about by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Check out the latest pictures and progress on Troy Housing Authority’s Facebook Page!!!