2024 THA Board Meetings

All Meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. unless noted otherwise. Meetings will be held remotely until determined to be safe to hold in person meetings. Once in-person meetings are resumed, the meetings will be held at the locations listed below.

Public Comments may be submitted in advance, in writing, through the Rent Collection boxes at all locations or by email to info@troyhousing.org. All such comments must be submitted no later than 3:00 pm on the Tuesday prior to the scheduled Board meeting. All public comments submitted will be shared with the Board of Commissioners prior to the start of the meeting and will become part of the record. The Public is invited to join the meeting live through Zoom by requesting the link no later than 3:00 pm on the Tuesday prior to the scheduled Board meeting. The link can be requested by calling 518-273-3600 ext. 412 or emailing info@troyhousing.org.

Meeting DateLocationMeeting Agenda (PDF)Meeting Minutes (PDF)
January 24, 2024ZoomAgendaMinutes
February 20, 2024ZoomAgendaMinutes
March 6, 2024ZoomAgendaMinutes
May 22, 2024ZoomAgendaMinutes
June 12, 2024ZoomAgendaMinutes
August 21, 2024TBAAgendaMinutes
October 2, 2024TBAAgendaMinutes
November 13, 2024TBAAgendaMinutes
December 20, 2024TBAAgendaMinutes

Past Board Meetings